You are here: Using > Debtors > Add Debt

Add Debt


This option allows for the entry (addition) of a debt for an existing debtor. The items that can be changed are:


1. From the Main Menu click Debtors:


2.The Debtors menu option:


The Debtor menu option is also available on the Icon Toolbar:


3. A blank entry screen appears:


4. Search for the Debtor See "Search Debtors"


5. When the debtor appears, such as the following:




6. Click for the following screen:



7. Any of the following add debt items can be entered.


Advance to the next item by pressing the Tab key or move the mouse and click


8. Click to abort without saving the changes OR Click to save the debt information and another blank Add Debt screen appears. Continue to add as many debts as needed and click when finished adding debts.